Kendall Walsh
4 min readAug 27, 2020

A Guide to Managing College Studies and Being a Software Apprentice at Pernix

One of the most popular myths in university culture is the belief that the time we have is not enough, and because of this, we always stay up late every day finishing projects or studying the day before a test. But this is NOT TRUE.

I am a full time student and a software apprentice at Pernix, I work 25 hours per week and have enough time for my studies. I will show you some associated factors that are causing the lack of time and how to fight against them.

  1. The never use of a schedule

Have you ever take time, sit down and make a solid studies schedule which you can follow closely every day? If your answer is not, then I advice you to start making one right now. Before I started to use a schedule, managing my time was a complete disaster, I never know what to do, so I end up doing nothing and wasting my time listening to music or watching YouTube videos.

I like to use Excel software to make my own schedules. I like to be very specific with the times, so I put 24 hours, 7 days. When I am deciding the extra-curricular time that I need for my studies, I pay attention to the difficulty of subjects, If it is a hard subject, then i will and more extra hours in my schedule

If you make a schedule like this, you will have a more concrete path and you will take advantage of your time.

2. Know with WHO you are working on

As a university students we always like to work with our best friends for projects, but believe me, It is not always the best choice. When you are choosing a classmate to work with, you should be subjective and work with the most organized students. This piece of advise help a lot managing my time. Luckily, my best friends are very organized, and thanks to them, I don’t have deadlines problems with university projects, they are constantly sending messages asking when are we going to start or continue some homework.

You can have friend for everything, I have friends with which I go out and eat some pizza, and I have friends for studying.

3. Get out of the comfort zone

Some times the place where you feel cozy like home is not the best one for work. If you asked me, I would say that home is not the best place to study or even work because there is a lot of distractors, that’s why I prefer to stay at the university’s library, there is literary no distractors there, only you and the silence, and because I am not at home, I feel more “obligated” to do my home work. After I finish university I go immediately to the library and start doing my responsibilities, and stay there until 5:00 pm, then I go home. Another reason why I spend my time in the library is because I live in a hot place, and it’s very hard to focus when the weather is like 34 C and the air is hot too, the fresh hair of the library helps me a lot.

Managing the time as a college student It’s very important specially when you work and study at the same time. But you can see this as a challenge for your future career, these skill is very important to dominate, and the university is a perfect place to start doing so.

Kendall Walsh
Kendall Walsh

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